
The Mobile Access Gateway provides translation from REST to SOAP variants of IHE transaction:

IHE-Profile ITI Transaction Name IHE Actor Implemented in the Gateway with following actors Transaction
PDQm ITI-78 Mobile Patient Demographics Query Patient Demographics Supplier PDQv3 Patient Demographics Consumer ITI-47
PIXm ITI-83 Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-reference Query Patient Identity Manager PIX V3 Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer ITI-45
PIXm ITI-104 Patient Identity Feed FHIR Patient Identity Manager PIX V3 Patient Identity Source ITI-44
MHD ITI-65 Provide Document Bundle Document Recipient XDS Document Source, X-Service-User ITI-41
MHD ITI-66 Find Document Lists Document Responder XDS Document Consumer, X-Service-User ITI-18
MHD ITI-67 Find Document References Document Responder XDS Document Consumer, X-Service-User ITI-18
MHD ITI-68 Retrieve Document Document Responder XDS Document Consumer, X-Service-User ITI-43
IUA ITI-71 Get Access Token IUA Authorization Server X-Service-User Authenticate User / Get X-User Assertion
CMPD CH:PHARM-5 Query Pharmacy Documents Community Pharmacy Manager Querying Actor CH:PHARM-1
PPQm CH:PPQ3 Mobile Privacy Policy Feed Policy Repository Policy Source CH:PPQ1 / CH:PPQ2
PPQm CH:PPQ4 Mobile Privacy Policy Bundle Feed Policy Repository Policy Source CH:PPQ1 / CH:PPQ2
PPQm CH:PPQ5 Mobile Privacy Policy Retrieve Policy Repository Policy Source CH:PPQ2

For Authentication/Authorization you have two different options:

  1. Integrate the IdP into your software and exchange the IdP saml2 token over a REST API to a XUA token link
  2. Configure the IdP's with the Mobile Access Gateway and use an OAuth token (in development)